The indifference curve may be compared with a contour line on a map. 无差别曲线可以与地图上的等高线相比拟。
You can only put it this way – consumers move to the new indifference curve. 而无差异曲线本来是有平行的很多条,它们是不会动的。
Relation of schedule of consumer demand to indifference curve 消费者需求表列与无差别曲线的关系
An indifference curve is usually assumed to be convex. 无差异曲线通常呈凸形。
The Way of Indifference Curve of Securities Portfolio Management and Its Assessment 证券投资组合管理中的无差异曲线法及其评价
The indifference curve had no curvature at all. 无差异曲线根本没有弯度。
The marginal rate of substitution diminishes as we move down along an indifference curve. 当我们向下滑动无差异曲线时,边际替代率的减少。
We used indifference curve method ( IDCM) to calculate the optimal portfolio investment proportion and gave examples to verify the results in the paper. 应用无差异曲线法求解出这种效用函数的最优投资比例,并对本文所得出的结论进行了实例应用分析。
The second part introduces some issues relating closely to risk, the tangency point between indifference utility curve and efficient frontier is the optimal portfolio; 第二部分是与风险相关的几个问题,等效用曲线与有效边界的切点是投资者选择的最佳投资组合;
Following classical economic analysis, an utility function is called an indifference curve ( IDC), and it is developed showing the magnitude and form of the risk-return trade-off in a mean-variance framework. 按照古典经济学的分析,这个效用函数称为无差异曲线(IDC),它是用均值-方差来表现风险-回报率相互替换的大小和形式的。
At first, this paper presents that the level of risk tolerance is a practical and approximate method to make investment objective, which can replace the finding of investor's indifference curve. 首先提出用风险容忍度这一实际和近似的方法确定投资目标,代替寻找投资者的无差异曲线;
Solving the model, the efficient frontier curve was simulated. Optimal loan ′ s portfolio satisfying the bank ′ s risk preference can be solved from the intersectional graphic position of indifference curve and efficient frontier curve. 求解模型得到贷款组合有效前沿曲线,有效前沿曲线与无差异曲线的交点为满足银行特定风险偏好的最优贷款组合。
Meanwhile the indifference curve also shows that it is not neccessary to change the security combination when such changes in return possess similarity. 然后引入无差异曲线来说明市场中证券期望收益率同方向变化且变化值相差不大时,不必改变证券组合。
The pollution emissions beeline together with the indifference curve are consided and concluded that if there are no change in industrial structure, productivity, pollution disposed technology and management level. 将污染物排放直线与环境经济学中的无差异曲线相结合,分析得出在当地的产业结构、生产技术、污染治理技术和管理水平等都不变的情况下,存在最大效用值,并达到均衡。
However, as the substitutable relationship between liquidity and profitability, the bank should choose a equilibrium point so as to maximize profit, which is analyzed by indifference curve. 但是,流动性和收益性之间存在着替代性的关系,通过无差异曲线的分析说明银行为了保证效用最大化,必须在流动性和收益性之间选择一个均衡点。
Facilitate scientific research. 4. Regarding the research on the indifference curve of production difference. 关于产品差异性无差别曲线的研究。
The test results showed that the intra-industry trade index, i.e. IIT, is positively related to difference D, and negatively related to homogeneity H, alternative A, which is consistent with theoretical hypothesis of the indifference curve of product difference. 检验结果表明,产业内贸易指数IIT与差异性D为正相关,与同质性H、替代性A为负相关,与产品差异性无差别曲线理论假设一致。
This chapter firstly analyzes the three kinds of individual consumer behavior under the influence of rising prices using the indifference curve and intertemporal choice theory from the static and dynamic angles. 本章首先从静态和动态的角度分别利用无差异曲线和跨期选择理论分析了三类个体的消费行为受房价上涨的影响。